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拉脱维亚(Latvijas Pasts)

Latvijas Pasts (Latvia Post) provides the widest accessibility of postal services throughout all territory of Latvia and has the widest network of postal services access points which includes more than 600 post offices and more than 1000 letter boxes as well as altenative options to receive postal services. Latvijas Pasts is a company which is fully owned by the state and employs more than 4500 employees.

The mission of Latvijas Pastsis to provide high quality, effective and economically accessible postal services in entire territory of Latvia, optimising the provision of these services, providing competition and satisfaction of customers.

The vision of Latvijas Pasts is to be a modern company oriented to a business principles with a good reputation which provides society with all the necessary services with a high level of customer service, high quality standards and a high level of the employee satisfaction.


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