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丹麦(Post Denmark)

About Post Danmark A/S

Post Danmark provides basic postal services to all customers in Denmark - senders and recipients alike. Post Danmark's aim is to be the best postal service provider in Europe, measured in terms of service level, quality and price combined.

In December 2010, the Danish Parliament passed a new Postal Services Act, which regulates the provision of postal services in Denmark while at the same time implementing the final part of deregulation of the Danish postal market with effect from 1 January 2011.

The Postal Services Act allows for free competition and ensures that Post Danmark fulfils the role as provider of postal services falling within the scope of the universal service obligation.

Post Danmark delivers mail to all households and businesses throughout the country six days a week. In addition, products subject to the universal service obligation still include addressed letters as well as daily, weekly and monthly papers up to 2 kilos and addressed parcels up to 20 kilos.

Post Danmark can trace its history as far back as 1624 when King Christian IV signed a decree concerning the establishment of a network of postmen in Denmark. Ever since then, we have provided reliable, fast and accessible transport of mail in Denmark and abroad.

We are fast and provide high quality every weekday - including Saturday - Post Danmark's employees collect and sort a total of approx. 7 million items of mail for delivery among 2.7 million households and 225,000 businesses. In several measurements, Post Danmark has proved to be among the best postal service providers within the EU. More than 93 per cent of all domestic letters handed in on time for delivery on the following weekday are delivered as promised. Quality checks are carried out continuously to monitor that our distribution areas and mail centres always live up to our high quality standards. Post Danmark will continue to be reckoned among the best postal, logistics and transport companies.

Post Danmark is an important business partner for commerce and industry. Part loads, BtB parcels and facility services are some of the important services that a large number of Danish businesses use every day. Our customers cover the entire spectrum of Danish businesses, from the largest well-established conglomerates to small newly established entrepreneurs.

We are approx. 15,000 employees

With approx. 15,000 employees, Post Danmark is one of Denmark's largest companies. Our customers meet Post Danmark via, among other things, more than 700 post offices and post shops. The overall mechanical sorting of letters and parcels is carried out by a number of sorting centres around the country.

We are preparing for new challenges

Post Danmark owns or is the co-owner of a number of companies, including Budstikken Transport A/S (100 per cent), Post Danmark Leasing A/S (100 per cent), Post Danmark Logistik A/S (100 per cent), Data Scanning A/S (100 per cent), e-Boks A/S (50 per cent) and Transportgruppen A/S (100 per cent).

Post Danmark's management development

Since 1998, Post Danmark has worked systematically to develop management forms and staff commitment in the company. Intensive efforts are being made to develop quality on the basis of the EFQM Model (European Foundation for Quality Management). As a result of these efforts, Post Danmark received the Danish Quality Award in the spring of 2004.


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